
Trip West 2019

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Paducah...the AQS Quilt Show

On to Paducah with ultimate goal of getting to the AQS quilt show. It’s a HUGE event attracting thousands of quilters and rooms are sold out and expensive. We scored a deal though online at an Econo Lodge...always an iffy proposition for site. A call to the hotel desk actually quoted double the online price. I goofed on the online registration and booked a smoking room...really...they still allow that? So, I had to call the desk again and got Zoe this time who was wonderful and even helped us book for a second night at the same low price. I think we were really lucky.

The show...well, it takes over the town. Of course parking near the convention center was close to impossible but we managed to snag a place close to the “dome” which was a satellite location for even more quilting goodies. We caught the shuttle bus right at the dome that took us right to the convention center via a really convoluted route through the town. Once there, it was really crowded but the quilts were stunning. Viewing them through the throngs of people though was a bit problematic. Taking pictures usually included body parts of others and had to be taken at really weird angles due to the way quilts were displayed. Surrounding the center section of quilts were many vendors...lots of goodies. Many, many long arm machines displayed and the Accuquilt booth was seriously busy. I think Woody’s foot was really bothering him but he was a trooper. We took the shuttle back to the Dome and found it to be full of even more quilts, vendors and was the location of the free demonstrations. No visit to Quilt Museum this time but did stop at Hancock’s of Paducah...what a madhouse. The shuttle that ran between the show locations also had a route going to Hancock’s...crowded doesn’t even come close to the craziness here. I did find some cute frog material and an on sale, coordinating batik which will become something for next years RC quilt retreat. What...TBD.

See an album of quilts from the show...click here